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TWU searches for new university president

Current president Mark Husbands steps down after five-year term
Mark Husbands is outgoing president of Trinity Western University. (TWU/Special to Langley Advance Times)

Langley’s Trinity Western University is launching a search for a new president, after Dr. Mark Husbands has stepped down following the end of his five-year term in the post.

The retirement of Husbands from the role of president and vice chancellor was announced by TWU on March 9. Husbands will remain in the post until June 30 of this year.

“Serving as president and vice chancellor of Trinity Western University has been an extraordinary privilege,” Husbands said in a statement.

He said that the unwavering dedication of faculty and staff was key to achieving the school’s mission.

During Husbands’ tenure as TWU president, the university has opened a second Richmond location, increased enrolment by 43 per cent, launched the school’s first PhD program – a doctorate in nursing – and created an Office of Inclusive Excellence at the campus.

The university invested $49 million in new infrastructure during his time as president, for both learning environment and student housing.

“The board of governors thanks Dr. Husbands for his service throughout his tenure,” said Matthew St. John, chair of the university’s board of governors. “The last five years have seen Trinity Western navigate the uncertainty of a global pandemic, respond to the increasing complexity of North American higher education, and strengthen our university’s unwavering commitment to being a Christ-centred, student-focused, innovative, and financially strong institution.”

The TWU board of governors has now started a search for its next president with CarterBaldwin, a search firm with experience in finding senior leaders for Christian institutions.

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